Xyna.AI at OpenRheinMain 2023
Experience Xyna.AI live: 22 September, Darmstadt
On September 22nd, Xyna will again be present at the OpenRheinMain Conference for Open Source and Emerging Digital.
Like last year, as a gold sponsor, we are one of the main supporters of the conference, which has been organized very successfully for several years from the Department of Computer Science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, along with Deutsche Telekom.
For Xyna.AI, Dr. Alexander Ebbes will give a keynote speech on the topic of AI BEYOND THE MAINSTREAM: the public perception of artificial intelligence is dominated by a few large, closed and proprietary solutions. In the billion-dollar arms race between the big technology companies, apparently only the financially strongest providers can keep up. We want to differentiate this picture and take a look at the landscape of modern AI away from common mainstream applications.
In the keynote as well as in an accompanying session and workshop at OpenRheinMain, we will explain why we are focusing on open algorithms and models from the academic sector with Xyna.AI.
This is because they are on a par with the commercial standard solutions from providers such as OpenAI and in some respects even superior. They enable transparency and control — keywords: data security and confidentiality — and offer the opportunity to move from user to manufacturer, from passive consumer to active technician. In his presentation, Dr. Alexander Ebbes will use concrete examples and background information to show how these open components pave the way for tailor-made, personal AI solutions. The lecture ends with an inspiring call to action: Take the reins of AI into your own hands and democratize the world of AI with open components. Xyna.AI thus fits into our product philosophy that Xyna Factory is based on open components and is even available on GitHub under an OpenSource license.
The final agenda of OpenRheinMain 2023 will be published at the end of August. Participation is free of charge, registration is now open.